YAmazing Race with MGnificent Prizes!

The YAmazing Race is officially OVER. Grand prize winners will be posted over at the Apocalypsies blog tomorrow, January 24th, and winners of the CROAK ARC and scythe pendants will be announced right here, tomorrow as well. Thanks for participating and good luck!

Welcome to my stop on the YAmazing Race with MGnificent prizes, a blog hop featuring over 50 debut authors, and prize packs that include ARCs, gift certificates, swag, and more! If you haven’t yet been to the Apocalypsies website, please click here to start from the beginning and read the complete rules. Now on to the race!

CROAK by Gina Damico

Fed up with her wild behavior, sixteen-year-old Lex’s parents ship her off to upstate New York to live with her Uncle Mort for the summer, hoping that a few months of dirty farm work will whip her back into shape. But Uncle Mort’s true occupation is much dirtier than shoveling manure.

He’s a Grim Reaper. And he’s going to teach Lex the family business.

She quickly assimilates into the peculiar world of Croak, a town populated by reapers who deliver souls from this life to the next. But Lex can’t stop her desire for justice—or is it vengeance?—whenever she encounters a murder victim, craving to stop the attackers before they can strike again. Will she stay true to the rules of the Grimsphere, or ditch Croak and go rogue with her reaper skills?

Got all that?
Good, because you’ll need to store it all up in your brain for the quiz ahead! And remember, you must complete ALL FIVE quizzes to be eligible for a prize pack.

But hold the phone! Another giveaway? SWEET SASSY MOLASSY.
Simply leave a comment with your email address to be entered to win an ARC of CROAK! Or one of five scythe pendants! (open internationally) Bonus entries if you:

***Put the code letter(s) in your comment indicating what you did – I trust you. :)

  • and/or tell me in your comment who your favorite dead historical figure is. Back off from Abe Lincoln, though. He’s MINE.

And because this is the very first YAmazing Race ever and I’m feeling really jazzed about the whole thing and I’d like to get to know my local post office employees better, I will send a signed bookplate to EVERYONE who enters! Be sure to preorder your copy of CROAK today (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indiebound) to have something to stick it in!

Thanks for stopping by. Ready to move on?
Click HERE to go to the next stop on the race!


  1. One of my favorite historical figure is Anita Garibaldi.
    Thank you for the chance to win an ARC! :D

    I follow you on facebook (Giada Mariani)
    I follow you on twitter (@hatshepsut0011)

    Fingers crossed! >_<

    Giada M.

    fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. Can’t wait to read Croak–sounds amazing! As for favorite dead historical figure–definitely Ernest Hemingway.

  3. True story: when I wasn in eigth grade I had a sort of crush on Alexander Hamilton because the picture of him in my textbook was cute. In high school I met a girl who had a crush on him (but she doodled pictures of him in her sketch book, so she crushed on a different level then just admiring a picture), and I thought she was weird. Then I realized I was a hypocrite, because I used to think he was cute, too.


    Gabi: teddycavygal at yahoo dot com

  4. Hi, Gina! What a fun idea for a book! I also write books about the Grim Reaper (mysteries for adults), so I can’t wait to get a hold of Croak.

    I liked your page on Fb.

    And my favorite historical figure is Queen Esther.

    Great luck with your new book. And congratulations!

  5. Hmm, dead historical figure…Roosevelt? I think i would be cool to meet him.
    and my email is in the thing that only you should be able to see.

  6. Thanks for the giveaway!

    (T) Hannah_FS

    Favourite historical figure? Probably Marie Antoinette. Mind you, that’s based solely on the movie.
    Thanks again!

  7. Fantastic giveaway!
    Favorite deceased historical figure? Hmmm, probably Plato or Buddha.

    F Jenna DeTrapani
    T MTGReviews


  8. Croak sounds great! I haven’t read too many Grim Reaper stories!

    My favorite dead historical figure, does Professor Dumbledore count? No? Then I’ll say Amelia Earhart.

  9. F – Valerie Redfearn
    T – @librarydweller1
    B – GFC – Val
    N – redfearnv at gmail dot com

    Thanks for the giveaway and lol to your comment about Abe Lincoln. I’m a George Washington girl, myself.

  10. I’m super psyched for the Apocalypsies Amazing Race!

    My personal favorite deceased historical figure (what a mouthful!) is Benjamin Franklin. His life is completely fascinating to me.


  11. Okay when you say favorite Historical figure does that mean it has to be from a long time ago or it can be from about 20 years ago? If I can put someone from 20 years ago it has to be Kurt Cobain his music ruled most of my angsty teen years.
    I can’t wait to read your book!

  12. This book looks so amazing! Adding it to my TBR list right now!
    My favorite historical figure is Homer because I love greek myths and he was a big part of writing some of those amazing greek stories!
    (T) followed you on twitter (@tristanshammock)


  13. I think I’ll have to go with Napoleon as my favorite. I’ve had to study him so much with my major, and he just cracks me up for whatever reason!

    (T) @kaylabeck
    pherlaithiel (at) gmail (dot) com

  14. Love the sound of this book and excited for this “race”. Great way for y’all to spread the word about your book. Fav historical….at the moment Jane Austen.

    MandieBaxter at yahoo dot com

  15. Hello Gina! :D I’ve followed you on twitter, and (one of) my fave historical figures would probably have to be Joan of Arc. She’s fierce and clever and determined, and mixed up and amazing, and anyways I wish her story ended differently.

    So comment (C), Twitter (T), and Dead Historical Figure (DHF) for 3 entries– I think. My email address is jasmine dot medusa at gmail dot com

    Thank you!

  16. Allllllright then! Did the following: F, T, B, and N :)

    Favourite (dead) historical figure? Joan of Arc. Based on that one movie with that girl who was also in that creepy movie Glass House or whatever. I always thought it was kind of cool how she was burned at the stake for her belief. I was also kind of a weird kid and I guess it stuck.


  17. I don’t know who my favorite historical figure would have to be. Maybe Johannes Gutenberg for the printing press. Thanks for the chance to win your book! Croak sounds great!



  18. My favourite dead historical figure is Ned Kelly, the most famous Australian bushranger. He was around in the 1800s and, despite being seen by a few as a cold-blooded cop killer, is a folk hero and symbol of Irish-Australian resistance against the Anglo-Australian ruling class.


    bam_bam289 at hotmail dot com

  19. (C and DHF) Favorite Dead Historical Figure is…Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr! It’s his day after all :) Civil rights for everyone!!
    I followed on (T) Twitter (Screenplaydiva) and your blog. Thanks for the giveaway. My e-mail is: info[at]reelswellproductions[dot]com.

  20. F, T and N!

    Liked on Facebook (Kai Agito)
    Twitter follower: (@amaterasureads)

    My favorite historical character is Edgar Allan Poe. I think reading Kelly Creagh’s Nevermore made me appreciate him better :)

    amaterasureads AT gmail DOT com

  21. And I thought I had issues with my family! But this sounds like an interesting take on a family saga. I especially like the name, “Uncle Mort!”
    My favourite dead historical figure would be Mother Teresa for her care for the sick and dying in Calcutta.
    I did participate in F, T, B, and N.
    Zara D. Garcia-Alvarez

  22. Croak sounds cool! can’t wait to read it…
    Sharon Siqueiros/FB
    following via email/B
    I have a few fav dead historical figures, right now it’s my husband’s great great uncle David Alfaro Siqueiros.

  23. Thanks for the giveaway!
    My favorite dead historical figure? Well, I have to say the inventor of the Cupcake. Who was that? The world may never know *sighs*. Cupcakes were made as far back as the 12th century and the first printed cupcake recipe appeared in the 1700’s, but the inventor/creator/brilliant baker is unknown. So, to the Unknown and Unsung Cupcake hero, I say thanks for the yumminess ;)


  24. Thanks for the bonus giveaway! Extra entries:

    F – Kim Waters
    T – @bookishbaggins
    B – bookishbaggins(at)gmail(dot)com
    N – bookishbaggins(at)gmail(dot)com

    As for my fave dead historical figure, Jane Austen or the Bronte sisters. Or even James Cook, who discovered my lovely country!

    Thanks again!

  25. My favorite dead historical figure is Aristotle.
    F – Demitra Giote
    T – @artdem83
    B – artgiote at gmail dot com
    N – artgiote at gmail dot com

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  26. My favourite historical figure is Madame Tussaud.

    F – Aik Chien
    T – @AikChien
    B – aikychien at yahoo dot com
    N – aikychien at yahoo dot com

  27. Sounds very fun- hoping to win!. My favorite dead historical person is The Man in Black, Johnny Cash.
    And I liked you on Facebook and am following your blog:)

  28. whooaa, Croak looks schmazing!! Never been more excited for a book than this one!!!
    Tweeted at you! @JazminLabrada
    (F) —> Jazmin
    and my favorite historical figure? just one?? That’s cold. I’d say it’d be a tie between H.G Wells or Nikola Tesla!

  29. F, T, and N: I liked your page on Facebook (taylor wilkins), followed you on twitter (the_music_snob), and subscribed to your newsletter! My favorite historical figure is incredibly too difficult to pick! I’ll choose…Madame de Pompadour. “Croak” looks fantastic, and I cannot wait to read it!

  30. Croak has been on my TBR list for awhile now.
    F, T, B, N
    Favorite historical figure? Hmmmm…Can I claim the British Monarchy?


  31. Oooh! This sounds like fun – and especially apropos as I’ve recently caught up on the first season of “Dead Like Me”. :) Looking forward to getting my hands on a copy! (N)

  32. FTBN, I can’t wait to read this book, it sounds really amazing! Also, if you wanna be sure, I’m Jake_SVG on Twitter, and Jacob Savage on FB:)

  33. Hi Gina! I think Croak sounds like a hoot and certainly a book I will be ordering.
    I participated in the following extras: FB – liked, N and Blog! I hope I win…I hope I win!! :)
    My favorites are Thomas Jefferson and Jane Austen.

  34. My favorite dead historical figure is Anne Boleyn. I never get tired of reading/watching about her and the Tudor era.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    (TN) literaturelovely [at] gmail [dot] com

  35. This YAmazing race thing is SOOOO cool! And your book sounds way-cool as well!

    I liked on FB and will run the race to the best of my ability.

    My fave dead historical figure….? I’m going with Freddy Mercury, and if anyone tries to say he isn’t “historical” – just wait a few decades. He’ll be in history books as a fabulous musical innovator for sure.

  36. Fave historical figure? Maybe, Mahatma Gandhi (though that doesn’t save anybody from my sadistic tendencies)
    Scythes! My weaknesses!
    Sarcasm+ Wild girl+ Reapers, I’m sure i’m gonna love Croak!
    T (@AletteAsher)
    F (Priya Dutt)
    B (Priya)
    N (priya.1dt@gmail.com)

  37. My fav historical person is Alexander Mack. He was my several times great grandpa and him and his three best friends were imprisoned for several years because they defied the Catholic Church. When they finally got out the escaped to America and settled in Indiana. My family still lives within a few minutes of his original settlement.
    I like you on facebook
    I follow on Twitter
    And I follow your blog

  38. Just ONE historical figure? Okay…. Davy Crockett – because his grandson married my great-great-aunt so he and I are related. We’re like *this* (crosses fingers).


  39. One of my favorite historical figures is Susan B. Anthony. She played a very important role in the Women’s Right Movement and campaigned hard against slavery. Pretty impressive considering women, during her time, had almost no public voice.

    (B) and (N)

  40. Woo! Go the Grim Reapers!!
    My favourite historical figure?? Um… Only one I can think of is Marie Laveau.. Oooh how about Elvis? Is he historical enough??



  41. F. norah.aljunaidi@verizon.net
    Hmm… fav dead historical figure..is Fred Weasley historical?
    John Adams.
    That harry potter calender made me LOL! i had a similiar one with pop out characters and the calender was at the bottom, very small with the days in a straight line. it wasnt a calendar.

  42. Hmm… favourite dead historical figure? That’s not something I have to think about very often… I guess I would have to chose Queen Victoria because I love learning about the time period she reigned in!

    ~ Liz -> midnightbloomreads(at)hotmail(dot)com

  43. I’d have to say Teddy Roosevelt. The guy had a plush toy named after him. But the big selling point for me is the fact that he got shot during a speech and finished the speech. Also, he never got the bullet removed. How’s that for awesome?

  44. (F,B,N)
    My favorite dead historical figure would have to be Elizabeth Stanton. She did so much to help push for equality for both blacks and women, and pushed for women’s rights beyond suffrage.

  45. Excited to read this!! (N)
    My favorite historical person would have to be Marie Antoinette. I love that time period as a whole, and I’ve always been fascinated with her.

  46. Wow Abe Lincoln is one of my favorites but I definitely really love Benjamin Franklin. I watch all these documentaries on him, and he just amazing and like super wise.

    My email address: emiliasherman(@)hotmail.com
    (T): emiliasherman
    (F): Emilia Sherman
    (B): emiliasherman(@)hotmail.com
    (N): emiliasherman(@)hotmail.com

    You’re book sounds amazing! I can’t wait to see some Grim Reaper action.

  47. Are you going to see Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter in theaters?! Or have you read the book? I think my favorite historical figure would be Leonardo da Vinci. The guy was many things like inventor, artist, musician, writer, and just many more. He accomplished a lot of things, and if he can accomplish all of that, I know I can accomplish my own goals.

    my email is thestoryseekers(at)hotmail(dot)com

    T – @TheStorySeekers
    F – Story Seekers
    B – same email
    N – same email

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  48. Is it creepy that my favorite historical figure is Jack the Ripper? =P
    But anyways, thank you so much for the chance to win, and I can’t wait to read your book!

    P.S. I’m now following your blog, I subscribed to your newsletter, and I’m following you on facebook (Or I will be, since facebook is blocked at my school =[)

  49. FTBN and my favorite historical character is queen elizabeth because she didn’t let anyone influence her to do things she didnt feel was right

  50. One of my favorite historical figures has to be Martin Luther King, who in spite of the iews of his time stood for equality among all.

  51. One of my favorite historical figures is Martin Luther King, mostly due to the fact that I have both black AND white parents, so I always feel like I owe it to him.

    I did (T)

  52. F, T, B, N.
    You just had to take honest Abe didn’t you?
    Anyways, I like Shakespeare. Especially the great mystery behind who he is and the plays he wrote.

  53. My fav historical figure is Martin Luther king jr.
    I would love to follow u on facebook of twitter but don’t have them :(
    Hope I get an arc

  54. Thanks for the giveaway- your book sounds awesome!!! :))
    One of my favortie historical figures is Albert Einstein! <3

    I follow you on Facebook: Kristen Reader
    I follow you on Twitter: @kmichelle_10


  55. Thank you for the chance to win an ARC copy of your book! (And the bookplate!) Favorite dead historical figure: Marie Antoinette. She’s just fascinating. I follow your blog through e-mail (B)

    Angela, angela1997 at live dot nl

  56. I’ll follow on Twitter (@TarotByArwen) when I get home (day job now).
    Favorite dead historical figure? QEI (Queen Elizabeth I)
    readings AT tarotbyarwen (dot) com

  57. Thank you for this oppurtunity! I did the facebook one and signed up for the newsletter! My favorite would have to be Anne Frank!! Thanks again! :)

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